Monday, December 10, 2012

Green Action Plan updated

Key achievements to date:
  1. We carried out visual management to raise awareness in the form of energy posters designed by Chris
  2. We established communication via Google drive: Contact list for Energy Improvement Project at Aqua Dome, Tralee
To Do List updated:
  1. We will price external door fixing so they will only open one way and will be draft proof 
  2. We will price an additional door to separate the reception from the changing area
  3. We will price partition wall in glass to separate pool area from gym and reception
  4. We will price PR motion sensors for two Jacuzzis and Tower Area
  5. We will price a chemical pool cover 
Visual management will be implemented in the form of identifying energy usage on a daily basis (day and night) so that all staff will see:
how many kWh/day/night  we use
how many litters of oil is used daily

All energy saving measures will be recorded and the most effective energy saving measures will be sourced.

Energy survey conducted

Green Team: Niall Harkin (Technical / Duty Manager), Noel McCord (Duty Manager) and Jacek Lacina (Energy Engineer & Project Manager) conducted an energy survey - phase 3 of SEAI Energy Map, assessing ROI of various energy conservation improvements.

A number of contractors were invited to estimate costs of proposed improvements. All costs will be reviewed by Niall and Jacek and draft proposals will be prepared for the directors for review.  

A special thanks goes to Chris  for designing the energy posters free of charge.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Windows in the main pool area are inspected for draughts

Niall, Sean and Jacek inspect widows to detect for draughts. Once draughts are identified these areas will be sealed to reduce the loss of warm heated air to the exterior environment.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Customers advised to keep the doors closed in the gym area.

Notices have been erected in the gym informing all gym users to keep the emergency doors closed in the gym area in order to keep the heat in. When the doors are open the hot warm air escapes and this in turn puts extra demands on the heating system to maintain temperature at 29 degrees. This is turn increases energy consumption along with energy costs.

The Aqua Dome is striving to reduce it's impact on the environment and lower carbon emissions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Going Green Posters erected to create public awareness

The Aqua Dome is switching off all electrical items when not in use to save energy, reduce costs and help the environment by reducing carbon emissions!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jacek Lacina, Project Coordinator and Energy Auditor for KCC met with Kieran Ruttledge and Mags O'Sullivan to discuss energy audit and savings in the Aqua Dome.

Plug-in timers have now been set up for the vending machines in the reception and cafe area by Duty Manager, Niall Harkin.

Costings for a new chemical pool cover is being sourced by Duty Manager, Noel McCord.

A new energy efficient TV LED A rating was purchased for the gym by Mags O'Sullivan to replace the old defunct plasma TV.

For energy audits or advice, contact Jacek Lacina, BScMScEng MIEI, at or phone 087 69 21 646.

Friday, November 2, 2012

New ideas to reduce energy costs implemented by staff

Karl O Brien, Senior Lifeguard suggested turning off the lights around the deckside at 10pm when cleaning has been completed. This practice has now commenced.
Noel McCord, Duty Manager suggested turning off the features and flume slide at 10pm instead of waiting until lock-up at 11pm. This practice has now commenced. He also instructed staff to keep features to a minimum during quiet times and to ask customers which features they would like operated during these quiet times instead of running with a pre-planned schedule of features. He instructed receptionists to keep the main front doors closed and to monitor the gym doors to keep the heat and stop the heat escaping out the doors. 
Niall Harkin, Duty Manager ordered re-cycling bins from Dillon Waste and Duty Managers Noel McCord and Sean McCord are to assign re-cycling bins in the Sauna, Changing, Cafe and Gym areas.
New Policy documented by Noel Mccord on the above energy savings and reduction of carbon emissions.

  1. All lighting around the pool deck and gym areas are to be switched off at 10pm weekdays and 8pm on weekends at the end of every shift. Lighting can be left on for essential cleaning in specific areas.
  2. All features and flume slide are to be switched off at 10pm weekdays and 8pm on weekends at the end of every shift.
  3. Lifeguards are to ask customers if they want the features on during the quiet periods.
  4. Receptions are to monitor the main entrance doors and keep them closed and ask customers to do likewise.
  5. All staff are to monitor the gym doors to make sure they are kept closed.

Well done and a big thanks to all the Aqua Dome staff who are working and contributing towards making the Aqua Dome more energy efficient and help reduce carbon emissions.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Energy Audit Commenced 31st October 2012

Management held a meeting with Jacek Lacina, energy co-ordinator with Kerry County Council today from 10am to 2pm. We looked at the S.E.A.I. Energy Map as a way of managing energy in the Aqua Dome.

We zoned the Aqua Dome into 10 different zones and listed all the lights and power points including pumps in each individual zone. This information will provide us with a baseline to evaluate any potential improvements.

Out aim is to create an energy awareness campaign, train staff, seal all the windows, seal all the doors and conduct thermal insulation work.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Aqua Domes initiates a Green Programme for sustainability

Management in the Aqua Dome is about to embark on the "Green Hospitality Awards" process. This program offers a framework for going green and provides support and help to tourism S.M.E.'s to take the plunge and initiative a green sustainable process.

A green team has been assigned in the Aqua Dome to deal with all new green initiatives. Duty Manager / Technical Manager Niall Harkin will spear head the process, with support from Duty Managers Noel McCord and Sean McCord, Centre Manager Mags O'Sullivan and all the staff in the Aqua Dome.

The Aqua Domes Green Mission Statement is to reduce its energy costs and carbon footprint while at the same time increase awareness in the environmental, economic and social impact of operations.

Each green initiative will involve planning, implementation and evaluation and through this blog we hope to inform the public of the efforts that are being made and the results that are being realised.

We also hope to create a green mentality and awareness with the general public to ensure a sustainable future for all.

This project is being co-ordinated by Jacek Lacina BScMScEng MIEI, Energy Auditor for KCC, contact: 087 69 21 646. Jacek is providing technical know-how and SEAI Energy Map framework for this energy savings initiative.

Keep a weekly eye on this blog to track progress!