Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Different types of Customers and their attitude to going GREEN

This was taken from the a  Green Marketing  Seminar , very interesting read.

In any business their are different types of customers but when your trying to promote your business and want to get your green message across you might come up against different types of customers.

You have three different types of customers

  1. Ethical Seekers
  2. Switch off 
  3. Feel good factor 

Ethical Seekers actively seek green holidays as a continuation of their lifestyles. These are a minority but they are vocal and loyal. They want to know all about your efforts and what you do.

At the other end you have the just want to switch off group , they just want to forget about their daily lives and responsibilities. The are very unlikely to value your efforts. Environmental actions will need to happen behind the scenes and your communication should focus on what it does to improve their experience.

The"feel good factor" group is the majority, they are aware of the issues, but don't go out of their way to act.  They won't seek information, but will respond well to messages that show they can easily "do their bit" - or where they can get a better product or service that happens to be green.  This group will avidly read about you in the press travel pages because you are interesting and different, not because you are green. Awards and certification reinforce that you can be trusted, one more element to influence the booking decision.

The percentage of these groups are 
17% Ethical Seekers 
56% Feel Good Factors
27% Switch Off

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